In our country, the reforms experienced in the process of EU membership, causes important changes in legislation and these changes will continue day after day. In this changing process, keeping information up-to-date becomes important. Besides, follow-up information becomes difficult. At this point, what we have created is an application reference book and it includes the latest updated information. We hope that, you will find answer to many questions in this book where hundreds of example, monographs and basic concepts described. You will be enlightened to the solution of issues that cannot be understood until now. It was intended as an application book; therefore, all instances are frequently asked questions in the analytical budget, accrual accounting and chattel seminars that I've personally given domestically. Institutions’ routine workflow requirements are taken into account when examples were prepared.

In the first section: Regular staff statements of principles and standards and tables

Second section: Working procedures and principles of municipal police organization

Third section: Analytical budget concept, how budget preparation process works, what tables are used, and examples of the budget coding,

Fourth section:Accrual based accounting concept, account plan descriptions and examples of each accounting code, financial statements, etc... Operations,

Fifth section:Concepts related to the regulation of chattels and 5018 Public Financial control law which registration regulations that was in effect since 1939 is replaced by, necessary documents, tables, registries and lists of chattel codes,

Sixth section: The concept of depreciation, the application process is explained with examples. In addition to book, a CD, including some tables, similar attachments and registries is our gift to you.